最终用户保修期: 24 个月。
根据欧洲 - 捷克立法,我们为所有最终用户客户提供24 个月的产品缺陷保修(2 年)。
保修范围涵盖正确使用产品过程中发生的所有故障。所有物品将在30 天内修复或更换。
您无需支付将维修或更换的物品/加密矿工/ASIC/GPU 矿工送回您的地址的运费。
Import duty is already included in the price for EU customers.
保修: 1 year warranty
Hashrate: 6 TH/s
Currency: Kaspa
功耗: 3400瓦/小时
Release day:
New upgraded version v.2.0
IceRiver KAS KS3M mines the kHeavyHash algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 6000GH/s (6 TH/s) for Kaspa coin mining with a power consumption of 3400W.
ASIC parameters:
ALPH Hashrate: 6TH/S(±10%)
Consumption: 3400W/h(±10%)
Specifications: 6TH 3400W
Size (with packaging): 490×300×400(mm)
Dimension: 370×195×290(mm)
Total weight: 14.4kg
Connection: Ethernet
Input voltage: 220V AC
Operating temperature: 5~40℃
Delivery model: We will deliver you this miner right after it is produced. Look at production / delivery time.
Hosting model [CLICK HERE]: You will get access to the miner to remotely control it and receive KASPA coins or Bitcoins from miner. We will host, maintain and service this miner. The profitability of miner in hosting is higher than miner for delivery or self hosted miner. You can transfer this miner from hosting to any location anytime within 2 months notice.
Choose your miner and order easily on Iceriver.eu. We’ll handle the rest - direct from the manufacturer or our warehouse.
Your miner is carefully packaged and shipped directly from the producer. At Iceriver.eu, we rely on trusted logistics partners to ensure fast and secure delivery to your chosen hosting location.
When your miner arrives, our skilled technicians install the latest firmware to ensure maximum performance, reliability, and stability.
Every miner is subjected to a detailed technical inspection by our team to guarantee safety, optimal functionality, and peak performance before deployment.
Once approved, your miner is installed in one of our advanced hosting centers. It is set up to meet your unique requirements and seamlessly connected to Iceriver.eu’s management platform for real-time monitoring and control.
Your miner is ready to start! We provide you with all the necessary access and guidance to monitor, manage, and maximize your mining operations effortlessly.
所有包裹均通过 DHL 快递服务运送。整个欧洲的交付。对于欧洲以外(美国、加拿大、拉丁美洲等)的包裹,我们也使用 DHL 运输服务,但交货时间可能会超过 5 天。
DHL 包裹(从捷克寄往欧洲的快递包裹)的运送时间可能会因目的地国家/地区和所使用的服务类型而异。不过,一般来说,DHL 为欧洲范围内的标准包裹货件提供以下递送时间:
您可以访问 DHL 网站查看特定国家/地区的递送时间、包裹的重量和尺寸以及提供的服务。他们还提供跟踪服务,可让您跟踪包裹并查看预计送达日期。
所有包装均包装完好,可承受 1m 高处跌落而不会损坏。此外,所有包裹的保险均超出其价值。因此,您不必担心我们包装中的内容物损坏。
最终用户保修期: 24 个月。
根据欧洲 - 捷克立法,我们为所有最终用户客户提供24 个月的产品缺陷保修(2 年)。
保修范围涵盖正确使用产品过程中发生的所有故障。所有物品将在30 天内修复或更换。
您无需支付将维修或更换的物品/加密矿工/ASIC/GPU 矿工送回您的地址的运费。
🛑 产品不得因使用、处理或储存不当而损坏。
🔧 产品不得由未经授权的人员改装或维修。
💼 保修不涵盖正常磨损或消耗品(例如电池、灯泡等)。
🧾 客户必须提供购买证明,例如收据或发票,才能根据保修提出索赔。如果您丢失了收据,请联系我们,我们将为您寻找。
根据捷克共和国和欧洲的法律,所有商品均可在 14 天内退货。然而,民法典中规定了某些例外情况,例如食品、某些药品、卫生设备、卫生防护用品、软件许可证持有者(如果使用)以及价格很大程度上取决于股票市场的物品(例如黄金、合同等)。
我们提供售后服务。我们是欧洲 ASIC 矿机授权维修服务中心。这项服务是有偿的,但我们相信我们可以为您在欧洲提供有竞争力的价格并获得最佳结果。
🔧 以比原制造商或授权维修中心更低的成本为不再保修范围的产品提供维修服务。
💡 以比原始制造商更低的成本销售不再享受保修的产品的替换零件,例如电池、灯泡或其他组件。
📞 通过电话或电子邮件为不再保修范围的产品提供技术支持,费用低于原制造商。
💻 提供远程诊断和故障排除等远程协助服务,以比原始制造商更低的成本帮助客户解决产品问题。
🛠 以比原制造商更低的成本,为不再保修范围的产品提供维护和清洁服务。
关于4月15日预售的产品,预售期间确认的订单需要在正式开售后8周内发货。正式开售后确认的订单将在下单后 8 周内发货。
我们使用第三方承运商来处理包裹,例如 DHL、UPS 等。
有保修。矿工为 6 个月,PSU 为 12 个月。
关于4月15日预售的产品,预售期间确认的订单需要在正式开售后8周内发货。正式开售后确认的订单将在下单后 8 周内发货。
我们使用第三方承运商来处理包裹,例如 DHL、UPS 等。
有保修。矿工为 24 个月,PSU 为 24 个月。
Your ASIC will be installed in few hours. You will pay for the electricity additionally.
The hosting if for FREE. All the fees are included in the electricity price.
Yes, we provide 3 YEARS insurance.
Yes, we can send your miner to you with 3 month notice period.
If you will buy for example 1/10 of an ASIC, you will own 1/10 of it's hashrate, 1/10 of it's revenue a you'll pay 1/10 of Energy & Fees for that ASIC.
The rest 9/10 will be own by someone else.
Yes, you can. For example if you buy 1/10 of an ASIC, than 1/10 and than 8/10, you will own 10/10 of an ASIC, that means you own one whole ASIC and you even have an option to take that ASIC from hosting and have it deliverd to you.
Yes, you can. We are also preparing a function on our site specially for this.
You can set your wallet address for withdrawals anytime you wish. However every change of wallet address is manually approved. This procedure is simply because of a safety reasons, so nobody else can change your address except you.
All Energy fees you can pay before you start mining or after or during mining. You can pay energy fees by invoice or you can use change mined coins to energy fees by exchange within provided application in your ASIC mining hosting dashboard. By default you have enabled option to automatically exchange mined crypto coins to energy fees to prevent your miner from stopping. You have separate Energy fee account in USDT that you can charge anytime and even go bellow 0$. if you will not have any Energy & Fees balance left, your miner may be automatically turned off.
Yes, the price is final. All the fees are included in the electricity price.